
The following certificate was issued as a non-fungible token on: 7/7/2021 2:20:41 PM UTC

Contracts Scanned: MEESEEKSDividendTracker, MEESEEKS, Ownable, DividendPayingToken, ERC20
Token ID: 1848d78776

Token URL: https://www.rugscreen.com/scan/certificate?tokenid=1848d78776
Scanned By: 0xBaf0BDCF25a70c69A49918315583cD0d1D4Be3eD         
Contract Address: 0xbc08d487894a5de88ff6a5da4526799043bedfdf
Scanned On: 7/7/2021 2:20:41 PM
Scanned From IP Address:
Score: 0.3250


This certificate only applies to the specific contracts scanned.

Scan started at: 7/7/2021 2:20:53 PM UTC
Contract contains: a dividend feature that can result in a decline in price: 0.125 points
Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.225 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to liquidity wallet in swapping function 

Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.325 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to liquidity wallet in swapping function 

0.325 Points. Probably Not A Rug