
The following certificate was issued as a non-fungible token on: 6/16/2021 4:46:17 AM UTC

Contracts Scanned: ETHERMOON, Ownable
Token ID: dd5cd64790

Token URL: https://www.rugscreen.com/scan/certificate?tokenid=dd5cd64790
Scanned By: 0x8BF7C187028D8BB52eEcaF6568E861Cd55c7e4B2         
Scanned On: 6/16/2021 4:46:17 AM
Scanned From IP Address:
Score: 0.3000


This certificate only applies to the specific contracts scanned.

Scan started at: 6/16/2021 4:46:28 AM UTC
Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.1 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to Maximum Transaction Constant 

Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.2 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to Maximum Transaction Constant 

Transfer function contains: comparison of from/to/sender/recipient to non-zero address: 0.3 points
Mitigating factor: Comparison to swapV2Pair 

0.3 Points. Probably Not A Rug